How Facade Engineering Services can Increase a Building’s Value

How Facade Engineering Services can Increase a building's value
Facade Engineering

How Facade Engineering Services can increase a building’s value

Building Facades are functional surfaces that can add both aesthetic and functional value to a project. Facade engineering services ensure a new or existing structure is able to provide a safe and comfortable interior over time, without compromising on style. A well-engineered facade will ensure the longevity of a building, whilst creating an enjoyable environment for occupants.

Facade engineers assess the internal and external conditions of the building before making recommendations on how to improve the durability and functionality of the structure. By evaluating external conditions, facade engineers will manage a combination of thermal, acoustic, and ventilation performance requirements. This ensures that a building is comfortable for all occupants.

Facade engineers offer a range of services in the design and construction of a new building, including:

  • Concept and detailed design
  • Facade tender documentation
  • Site inspections and auditing 
  • Facade waterproofing
  • Facade glazing, cladding, sealant, and material analysis
  • Facade material testing and sourcing
  • Quality control
  • Performance solutions
  • Thermal analysis and façade elements
  • Site inspections

Facade Upgrades

As a building ages, a facade may need to undergo an aesthetic or functional upgrade. When prospective buyers or tenants are assessing a building, the facade is their first impression of its age and safety. A modern and sturdy facade indicates a building’s longevity and durability, increasing its value in the property market.

A well-timed facade upgrade allows a building owner to update the aesthetics of a facade, reinforce its structural integrity, and repair any structural damage that may be present. By engaging a facade engineer, you can ensure that any upgrades are effective, sustainable and long lasting.

Facade Repairs

Exposure to the elements, ageing materials, faulty construction, and general wear and tear can all contribute to the decline of a building facade’s durability. A facade engineer will assess the structure and any damages to identify the needs of a building and provide a range of practical solutions to ensure that the building is safe, therefore increasing its overall value.

Facade upgrade and repair solutions may include:

  • Structural upgrades
  • Concrete repair
  • Brick tie installation
  • Membrane replacements
  • Architectural coatings
  • Balustrade and Balcony upgrades
  • Window replacement
  • Façade painting
  • Engineered and architectural designed alterations

With our team of highly experienced and trained engineers, Elite Australian Engineering can ensure your facade functions according to your needs and priorities. Our design, maintenance and remedial services are available to provide you with a beautiful and durable facade that will add value to your building. Contact us today for all your building facade-related requirements. 

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